True stories about a wonderful woman who disciplines her naughty husband using hard spankings. This site contains a number of F/M spanking stories.

Sunday, 19 April 2020
Maintenance Spanking Last Night
You can tell we're in lockdown... two posts in a couple of days!
This is just a quick one to describe the maintenance spanking Pam gave me last night. It started with a text message suggesting a "GoT and OTK night", which means watching Game of Thrones, following by me over Pam's knee afterwards. We did this sometimes during the original series and are now working our way through the whole seven seasons again.
We snuggled up on the couch as we watched two episodes, though my nerves were going through the roof from halfway through the second episode. As I've said, it might not have been punishment, but it was still going to be a hard spanking. Pam knows a spanking is meant to hurt!
Afterwards, when we were in our bedroom, Pam announced she was going to have a shower, then when I was hovering aimlessly, she added, "Take your pants off. Stand in the corner."
"Yes, Ma'am," I replied, knowing we were in discipline mode now.
Then she left.
I stood in the corner naked for about fifteen minutes while Pam showered, fed the pets, and got ready for bed. Finally, she came in, and seeing me in the corner, she asked, "Have you moved?"
"No, Ma'am."
Pam collected some implements and arranged herself, sitting up against the head of the bed. "Come here and lie over my lap," she commanded.
I did as ordered, arranging myself over her thighs. Her hand started rubbing my bottom. "Now, I'm not going to use my hand much as it makes too much noise. Our son is still wandering the other end of the house talking to his girlfriend on the phone."
This was ominous as it meant no warm-up and 'stingy but quiet' implements.
Pam gave me a brief, light hand spanking, before realising it wasn't stinging at all and upping the strength of the smacks. It was still short and all too soon she took up the wooden naughty stick (long bamboo ruler from cane-iac labelled with "I've Been Very Naughty"). She had not used this for a long time, and I'd forgotten how effective it is, with a sting greater than a hairbrush. Pam gave me about thirty or forty with the naughty stick before putting it aside. I resolved to hide that nasty thing at the back of the implement collection!
"Too loud," she said. "Time for something quieter."
I knew what that meant and wasn't surprised to feel the OTK cane rest against my bottom. Pam gives pretty much all spankings over her lap these days, though occasionally she'll make me get on all fours for the naughty stick or our longer cane.
What followed was a long, painful caning. An OTK cane might not be as fierce as a full-length caning, but Pam gave me a lot more than six of the best. In fact, she gave the caning in batches, saying, "The cane must be given in sixes," and then started applying it six sharp strokes at a time. This made it awfully hard to take, and I was soon squirming over her lap.
After a brief respite when Pam gave me another hand spanking, which stung a lot more now my bottom was sore, it was back to the cane.
"This is how you cure a naughty boy," she said. "With a good caning."
Pam then proceeded to give me a much longer dose of that OTK cane than I'd ever had. With a few pauses for scolding, Pam must have delivered over a hundred more sizzling cuts across my bottom, leaving me teary eyed by the time she finished.
It was later now and the night was quiet. Pam picked up another implement. "My favourite, the wooden spoon."
My wife brought the spoon down hard, the wide wooden head burning one cheek and then the other.
"Are you going to behave?" she asked.
"Yes, Ma'am."
"And what happens when you don't?"
"My strict wife spanks me."
"Yeah, she does."
Pam finished off the spanking with another forty or so hard smacks of that wicked spoon, leaving me sobbing softly into a pillow. It had been a sound reminder to mind and obey my wife. She drew me into her arms for kissing and some TLC, for while my wife spanks long and hard, it is always discipline lovingly given.
Then we kissed and made up properly, with an orgasm for her!
And this morning I'm typing this post on a blistered bottom that is difficult to sit on, even on a comfy chair. Pam is sleeping in, though she said last night she wanted to find a hard bench for me to sit on this morning. So I imagine we'll be getting take-away breakfast and then finding some hard concrete for my naughty, blistered bottom to sit on.
It's now three days later and my bottom is still sore to sit on. I believe Pam gave me a punishment spanking as 'maintenance' as I hadn't been spanked for while as Pam had been sick, so I'd missed a couple...
Thursday, 16 April 2020
How I'm Spanked
I've written numerous accounts of my spankings from Pam, most of them only marginal embellishments of the truth, but I thought it was time to put down the factual account. And with all this time in self-isolation, I have plenty of time to blog.
Starting at the beginning, my first spanking from Pam was a punishment, which I've previously written about. However, for that spanking and those that followed for years, despite the pain I became aroused. Most of the spankings that followed right up until we were married were foreplay. Don't get that wrong. Pam enjoys spanking my bottom hard, so they were still intense. But I would become aroused, and she would rub my hot bottom whilst taking short breaks from roasting it.
During the early days of our relationship I was spanked several times a week, often triggered by Pam rubbing my bottom when we were kissing and saying, "I'm going to spank your bum tonight," knowing that would push up my arousal level up a hundred notches.
She knew I liked it, and she liked doing it.
But at this stage, I was more likely to come during a spanking than cry.
That's not to say they weren't painful. Each spanking involved a long dose of her palm, followed by a good five minutes of the wooden hairbrush, often longer with her hand and hairbrush interwoven. I certainly felt them the next day, but there were no tears, and a spanking would generally stop when I'd promise to be "extremely, extremely good", a code word of sorts. Or at least it would stop after Pam added a finale of another fifty or so hard smacks, just to make sure. There was always that strict edge.
Over time we collected more implements. A paddle, wooden spoons, and finally a cane, purchased by Pam as my Valentine's "present", for in her words, "when I was very naughty". The spankings were getting harder and longer as more implements were used.
Around the time we got married, Pam started to spank more often as punishment. These spankings were similar to a normal spanking, just longer and harder, and I'd have tears in my eyes when they ended. I've never been particularly stoic though. Even during early 'play' spankings I'd squirm and protest and end up arm-locked over Pam's lap. But we're talking about four or five hundred smacks with wooden implements here, polished off with fifty odd with the OTK cane.
Over the years we've been married, we've collected more implements online, enough that Pam has a drawer full of them (maybe a dozen different straps/spoons/brushes/canes) in her bedside table. Now when she spanks me, she just grabs a random handful of four to six implements and sets to work. Somehow the OTK cane always seems to be in that random collection ;)
A typical spanking these days is five implements, with two or three of the implements given twice if spanking for punishment. She will mix spanking with scolding and rubbing my sore bottom. There's normally no rush. Her favourite implements are the OTK cane and the wooden spoon (more like a baking spoon and quite fearsome), with the rubber paddles coming into greater play if spanking for a real offense.
The big change over the last five years is there are more spankings for punishment, and less difference between the punishment spankings and the play spankings, which have become more like a 'reminder to behave' spanking. The other difference is Pam has learnt how to make me cry, or perhaps I have learnt how to let down the barriers and cry. I'm talking actual sobbing, not just wet eyes, and Pam certainly enjoys making sure I've been properly punished. Sometimes I'm literally crying my eyes out by the time my wife is satisfied.
Here's my notes from a punishment spanking from last year - six sets of spanking.
Although I don't enjoy these punishment spankings during the event and try to avoid one for some time afterwards, they are the ones I find most erotic. Afterwards, with a sore bottom for at least two days, I get excited replaying how strict Pam was and imaging myself over her lap getting my just desserts again.
If I'm warned in advance of a looming spanking, the nervous anticipation builds, a mix of excitement and dread. But if she wasn't super strict and giving me 'real' spankings, that same level of excitement wouldn't be there. It's my wife's strictness that makes it arousing.
And soon, despite knowing how much it will hurt, I'm craving another one. But harder this time, at least I tell myself that until I'm over her lap again.
That's a long winded explanation of why I bought Pam the 'Cry Baby' rubber paddle, knowing the pain would be excruciating, knowing it would leave me howling over her lap, but knowing I'd experience the intimacy and sense of atonement that comes from a real 'to tears' spanking, and for a spanko, savouring the incomparable gratitude of being married to a strict wife who spanks and spanks hard.
Starting at the beginning, my first spanking from Pam was a punishment, which I've previously written about. However, for that spanking and those that followed for years, despite the pain I became aroused. Most of the spankings that followed right up until we were married were foreplay. Don't get that wrong. Pam enjoys spanking my bottom hard, so they were still intense. But I would become aroused, and she would rub my hot bottom whilst taking short breaks from roasting it.
During the early days of our relationship I was spanked several times a week, often triggered by Pam rubbing my bottom when we were kissing and saying, "I'm going to spank your bum tonight," knowing that would push up my arousal level up a hundred notches.
She knew I liked it, and she liked doing it.
But at this stage, I was more likely to come during a spanking than cry.
That's not to say they weren't painful. Each spanking involved a long dose of her palm, followed by a good five minutes of the wooden hairbrush, often longer with her hand and hairbrush interwoven. I certainly felt them the next day, but there were no tears, and a spanking would generally stop when I'd promise to be "extremely, extremely good", a code word of sorts. Or at least it would stop after Pam added a finale of another fifty or so hard smacks, just to make sure. There was always that strict edge.
Over time we collected more implements. A paddle, wooden spoons, and finally a cane, purchased by Pam as my Valentine's "present", for in her words, "when I was very naughty". The spankings were getting harder and longer as more implements were used.
Around the time we got married, Pam started to spank more often as punishment. These spankings were similar to a normal spanking, just longer and harder, and I'd have tears in my eyes when they ended. I've never been particularly stoic though. Even during early 'play' spankings I'd squirm and protest and end up arm-locked over Pam's lap. But we're talking about four or five hundred smacks with wooden implements here, polished off with fifty odd with the OTK cane.
Over the years we've been married, we've collected more implements online, enough that Pam has a drawer full of them (maybe a dozen different straps/spoons/brushes/canes) in her bedside table. Now when she spanks me, she just grabs a random handful of four to six implements and sets to work. Somehow the OTK cane always seems to be in that random collection ;)
A typical spanking these days is five implements, with two or three of the implements given twice if spanking for punishment. She will mix spanking with scolding and rubbing my sore bottom. There's normally no rush. Her favourite implements are the OTK cane and the wooden spoon (more like a baking spoon and quite fearsome), with the rubber paddles coming into greater play if spanking for a real offense.
The big change over the last five years is there are more spankings for punishment, and less difference between the punishment spankings and the play spankings, which have become more like a 'reminder to behave' spanking. The other difference is Pam has learnt how to make me cry, or perhaps I have learnt how to let down the barriers and cry. I'm talking actual sobbing, not just wet eyes, and Pam certainly enjoys making sure I've been properly punished. Sometimes I'm literally crying my eyes out by the time my wife is satisfied.
Here's my notes from a punishment spanking from last year - six sets of spanking.
- Oct 14th (messy kitchen): 1 x hairbrush, 2 x otk cane, 1 x black rubber paddle, 2 x wooden spoon
Although I don't enjoy these punishment spankings during the event and try to avoid one for some time afterwards, they are the ones I find most erotic. Afterwards, with a sore bottom for at least two days, I get excited replaying how strict Pam was and imaging myself over her lap getting my just desserts again.
If I'm warned in advance of a looming spanking, the nervous anticipation builds, a mix of excitement and dread. But if she wasn't super strict and giving me 'real' spankings, that same level of excitement wouldn't be there. It's my wife's strictness that makes it arousing.
And soon, despite knowing how much it will hurt, I'm craving another one. But harder this time, at least I tell myself that until I'm over her lap again.
That's a long winded explanation of why I bought Pam the 'Cry Baby' rubber paddle, knowing the pain would be excruciating, knowing it would leave me howling over her lap, but knowing I'd experience the intimacy and sense of atonement that comes from a real 'to tears' spanking, and for a spanko, savouring the incomparable gratitude of being married to a strict wife who spanks and spanks hard.
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